              Human Resource


There is no clear consensus on how to define employee priorities. Finding the right balance between employee and organisation priorities is essential, but it will take time.



The hybrid model of work is here to stay. It is a model that future office cultures will incorporate as people join organisations virtually. The Work Trend Index 2022, a survey by Microsoft, suggests that hybrid work adoption is up by 38 per cent this year. Employees are also seeking a flexible model of work that helps them prioritise their wellbeing apart from just work. About 53 per cent of employees surveyed are considering transitioning to hybrid work models in the year ahead. This pandemic-driven work model presents organisations with new opportunities, but also its own set of challenges. Employees are yet to fully grasp the effectiveness of having to work in the office versus working from home.


HR leaders are now tasked with adjusting their organisational culture to support a hybrid workforce and to ensure business efficiency. Adapting to this changing nature of work will require a deep understanding of the changes in employee priorities.


Businesses toying with hybrid work models are still in the learning phase. The HR policies, processes, and organisation culture adaptable to this changing work model will take time to mature.


According to the EY 2022 Work Reimagined Survey, there is a gap in employee and employer priorities. Employees are looking for increased total pay (35 per cent), flexibility in where and when they can work (32 per cent) and better career advancements (25 per cent). However, employers think their workers need learning and skills (37 per cent), flexible schedules and location (36 per cent) and investment in employee wellbeing (32 per cent).


Identifying short-term needs


There is no clear consensus on how to define employee priorities. Finding the right balance between employee and organisation priorities is essential, but it will take time.


Post-pandemic, employees are prioritising their health and wellbeing. Perks, such as free food and a corner office no longer attract talent. The Work Trend Index 2022 suggests that 47 per cent of respondents put family and personal life over work than before the pandemic. Also, 53 per cent — particularly parents and women — say that they are more likely to prioritise their health and wellbeing over work than before.


We notice that employee priorities change based on their short-term needs. The path to understanding employee priorities would be to focus on adjusting organisational culture with short-term solutions that benefit employees.


Take an employee development programme, for example, which is a long-term solution for an employee’s career growth aspirations. With the ongoing trend of great resignation and reshuffle, it is not helping organisations today. Adopting immediate goals, such as short-term learning and certification of an employee’s choice could be key. It also leaves room for HR leaders to tinker with their organisational culture, identifying what works and what does not.


Leading the way are people managers


People managers are not just limited to achieving business goals or employee productivity and project activity. There must be an element of emotional connection, which is often missing. It affects organisation culture, enabling employees, and thereby identifying short-term goals. A report by McKinsey suggests employees quit because they are not valued by their organisation or their manager.


People managers must be effective communicators and be able to establish team connections. According to a survey by Gartner, in 70 per cent of manager-employee relationships in remote or hybrid work models, either the manager or the employee will be remote at least some of the time.


Some employees prefer the remote work model over the hybrid model. People managers must factor in how to achieve better engagement from such employees keeping organisation culture in mind.


Addressing the challenges in the hybrid work model


Across industries, there is a trend of employers now offering work-from-home options and a hybrid model of work as a tool for attracting talent. It is now becoming the norm; however, these perks are not written on employment agreements. For organisations, it is simply not possible to give every employee a work-from-home option. A hybrid model works better with employees coming to the office two or three times a week. It is essential as the exchange of ideas and innovative culture thrives when people interact more face to face with each other.


In an office environment, employees often have somebody to look up to who is setting a benchmark and promoting healthy competitiveness. Learning together with colleagues has its benefits. It often has a positive impact on competitiveness and innovation within the organisation.


The IT industry today is focused on creating talent pools to mitigate attrition rates. However, poaching candidates must be discouraged. An organisation’s effort to upskill and create talent pools is a win-win, and a priority area for a workforce adapting to the hybrid work model.


-       Hr ET